Are you looking for a finance planner printable to get your money situation in order? If so, you are in the right place. This bundle has everything you need to start saving money, tracking expenses and getting debt under control.

You might be wondering why you should invest in a paper finance planner when you can do everything online. As someone that loves technology, I used to think the same way.

However, study after study has shown that physically writing items down has a better impact of memorization on the brain. As Life Savvy says it, “In short, writing by hand forces your brain to process information in a more detailed way, which helps you successfully load that information into your memory.”

Have you ever forgot that you had expenses coming up? Car insurance? Home taxes? Life insurance? I know I have. However, once I physically wrote down all of our expenses for the year, I knew exactly what was coming up and when.

Making it a priority to visit your finances once a month is good practice. It can really help keep you accountable so that you can save for that big vacation or pay off that nagging debt once and for all.

It’s also what allowed us to pay off our car in just one year’s time, all while living on one income. If you’d like to read what we did, I wrote about it here.

Finance Planner Image

Okay, now on to the finance planner.

When designing this planner, I wanted it to be simplistic in nature with a few fun pages thrown in. It was designed using professional software and comes in both letter and half letter size paper sizes.

Let’s dive into the pages.

1. Financial Goals

Financial goals are spread across two pages to cover the entirety of the year. On these pages, you can set any monthly goals you may have.

While I prefer just to print and write. You do have the option to type on these pages, which are indicated by the blue boxes. The blue boxes will not print, however. They will print blank.

Financial Goals Image Example

2. Yearly Expenses

The yearly expenses page is used to write out every expense that is anticipated throughout the year. This is a great way to catch those expenses that you may otherwise forget.

Yearly Expenses Image Example

3. Bill Pay Checklist

The bill pay checklist is used to list and track monthly expenses. For any expenses that only occur during specific months, I simply highlight the month they’re due in and “X” the months they’re not. If you’d like to see an example of what I mean, you can check out my post here.

Bill Pay Checklist
Finance Planner Image

4. Debt Pay Down

The debt pay down template is a great way to set debt payoff goals and keep you motivated to reach those goals. Each month as you go to make your monthly payment, you are reminded that you are getting closer and closer to reaching your goal.

Debt Pay Down Example Image

5. Total Debt Tracker

With the total debt tracker, you enter any debt you have on the left hand side and it calculates out your total debt at the bottom. From there, it pre-fills the numbers in for the “thermometer” on the right hand side. As you pay off your debt, fill in the thermometer until your total balance is zero.

It’s a great way to provide you a visual as you work on paying off your debt!

Total Debt Tracker Image

6. Monthly Budget

Setting a monthly budget is perfect for those that are trying to reach monthly, yearly financial goals. It is also a great way to identify areas where you may be overspending and where you could possibly cut expenses.

Monthly Budget for Finance Planner

7. Check Register

Some banks have eliminated the use of check registers. You can use the check register to track and record expenses that you process on your debit card and checking account.

Check Register

8. Net Worth Overview

Calculate your net worth with this simple net worth overview.

Net Worth Overview

9. Net Worth Tracker

After you have determined your net worth, track it with the net worth tracker.

Net Worth Tracker for Finance Planner

10. 52-Week Savings

The 52-week savings template is used to build up a savings account across 52 weeks. Some like to split the savings they are trying to build across 52 weeks, while others prefer to gradually work their way up or down.

For example, if someone was trying to save $1,378 across 52 weeks, they may:

  • Split the savings goal equally across 52 weeks by saving $26.50 per week.
  • Start with $1 on week 1 and end with $52 on week 52 (increasing a $1 saved per week)
  • Start with $52 on week 1 and end with $1 on week 52 (decreasing by $1 saved per week)
52 Week Savings

11. Savings Ledger

The savings ledger is used similarly as the check register. It was created to track all deposits and withdrawals from a savings account.

savings ledger image

12. 12-Month Savings Tracker

The 12-month savings tracker is a template used to create and meet your savings goal. This is especially great to use when saving for something in particular, such as a vacation.

Towards the bottom of the page, you’ll notice that there is a bar of boxes. The amounts auto calculate based on the numbers you enter above. As you reach your goals, you can either mark off the boxes or color them in.

12-month savings tracker for finance planner

13. Emergency Fund Tracker

We all should have an emergency fund. An account where we only the touch the money in it, in the event of an emergency. Such as a medical situation, expensive car repair, etc.

Emergency Fund Tracker

14. Monthly No-Spend

Have you ever challenged yourself not to spend anything for an entire month? The idea is to spend money only on the things that you truly need. Groceries, bills, housing, etc. Everything else, you would cut for an entire month.

This monthly no-spend template comes in both color and black and white.

Monthly No Spend

Grab the finance planner here.


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