This post contains referral links. I will receive a small commission should you decide to set up a free account with Ebates. 

It’s always so surprising to hear that there are still people that have never heard of or used Ebates before. The company has been around since 1999 and has paid out billions … yes, billions to it’s members. Our family has earned close to $600, as of the time of this article (updated April, 2018). Although it may not seem like a lot to some people, that is still money that came back to our family for purchases we were making anyway. 

What is Ebates?

Ebates is a website that gives their members cash back for making purchases through their site. As you can see from the screenshot below, they are currently offering 8% cash back at If you like makeup, you know those shopping trips can add up quickly. Let’s say you spend $100 at; if you had clicked through Ebates’ link, you would be getting $8 cash back for your purchase!  

Sephora 8 percent cash back


How Much Does Ebates Cost?

Free, Free and More Free! That’s why it is so great. 

Is Ebates Legitimate? 

Yes, it is. I know that there are a lot of cash back websites out there that don’t deliver on their promises, but Ebates is not one of them. You really do get cash back for shopping at some of your favorite stores. 

How Do I Earn Cash Back? 

In order to get paid from Ebates, you must go through their links. After you click their link, you would complete your shopping as normal. After the purchase is completed and so long as you met the Cash Back Terms, you will see the funds on your Ebates account in the timeframe indicated under the stores terms. 

Are you someone that thinks you may forget to go through Ebates’ website first? The great news is that Ebates offers an extension (button) for Google Chrome. Utilizing this button, it makes it nearly impossible to miss getting cash back. 

How Do I Get this Button? 

To get this extension, simply scroll to the end of the page and select “Ebates Button”

Ebates Button

A page like below will come up. Select “Get the Button”. Once the extension is loaded on Google, the popups for Ebates will appear as the item circled below. 

Ebates Button Example

Finally, click “Add Extension”. 

Ebates Add Extension

Once the extension has been successfully added, there should be a yellow “E” added to the Google toolbar. Now every time a web store is visited that offers cash back, a popup will occur. To get credit for the purchase, simply click “Activate XX Cash Back”. 

Ebates Extension

What About Shopping on Mobile Phone?

Are you someone that does a lot of shopping on your phone? Well, there’s an app for that! Go to your Android or IOS app store and download the Ebates app. 

Ebates App in App Store

How and When Does Ebates Pay?

In order to receive a payment, you must reach at least $5 in your account for the quarter. Your money will not disappear on you, so don’t worry if you don’t meet the $5 thresh hold for one quarter. It will just flow over to the next quarter. Ebates pays out the cash earned either via PayPal or physical check sent to your home. You will set this up in your Account Settings. Cash back is paid out every three months, in May, August, November and February. This time frame allows the cash back to be adjusted for when users make returns or exchanges. 

What Does Not Count as an Ebates Purchase? 

Yes, there are certain purchases that will not count towards the cash back. These purchases include things such as using coupons from other sites (including the store themselves) and gift card purchases. Always look on the left hand side to read the “Cash Back Terms”.

Ebates Cash Back Terms

Of course, it is always wise to compare the coupons to Ebates cash back. Always check the coupon section in Ebates, as well, because they may just have the same coupon. However, if you’re offered a 20% off coupon and only 8% cash back on Ebates (with no coupon), then the 20% off will usually be the better deal. 

 Ready to Sign Up?

Ebates has made it extremely easy for their users to earn cash back for their purchases. It is seriously one of the most mindless, yet monetarily rewarding things our family has done. Our family has personally earned close to $600 cash back using this website. That’s not bad considering all it takes is a click of a button to earn credit for purchases made through sites ?. 

So when should you use Ebates? Well, always would be the simple answer. Unless, of course, there is a better deal elsewhere. However, if you know that you will be making big purchases, this is the perfect time to utilize the heck out of Ebates! When we moved, we did exactly that. All of our big purchases we tried to run through the site so think washer, dryer, fridge, etc. It was nice receiving a bit of money back for purchases we had to make anyway.

Are you ready to sign up with Ebates? Sign up today!

Pssst…. it appears that Ebates is offering new sign ups a $10 bonus when they sign up and make their first $25 purchase through the site! Cha-Ching! ?

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